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Agenda & Panel Discussions

Registration for Beyond Borders commences at 8:30am for a 9:30 start. The day will run until 5:00pm with Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea all included, during which time you’ll be able to interact with our participating Destination Partners to discover all that’s new in the world! 

Welcome to ATIA's Inaugural Travel Summit

  • Welcome to Beyond Borders: Richard Taylor, Director of Membership & Industry Affairs, Australian Travel Industry Association
  • Dean Long, Chief Executive Office, Australian Travel Industry Association
  • Beyond Borders Major Sponsor

25 Deep Dive

Our panel of cross-industry leaders get the day started with their individual outlooks for 2025 in their sector. What excites our panel in the coming year, and what challenges should the industry expect?
Moderated by Dean Long, ATIA CEO.

Destination Morning Tea

30 minutes of networking with friends old and new, while taking in our destination-focused trade show.

Panel discussion on Cruise

River and ocean cruising has played a vital role in the resurgence of the wider travel industry ecosystem. Our panel share their expectations in industry innovations and buying patterns in 2025.
Moderated by Roslyn Ranse, Travel Agent Achievers

Panel discussion on Touring

While there’s a growing focus on sustainability in the global travel industry, change in Australian consumer sentiment appears to lag behind that of the EU and US. When and how will this change, and how should we prepare?
Moderated by Charlie Trevena, Destination Webinars

Destination: Lunch!

A power hour of lunch, networking, inspirational destinations and catching up on your voicemails.


Choose your adventure during this hour of learning and discussion. Breakout session topics to be announced in due course.

Panel discussion with agency groups and networks

Three leaders of agency groups are extracted from their head offices for a bi-partisan discussion on lessons from 2024 and the outlook for 2025.
Moderated by Richard Taylor


ATIA CEO Dean Long ends Beyond Borders with a chat to a pre-eminent aviation leader (to be announced) for a no-holds barred chat about issues that affect the business of selling travel.

Destination Afternoon Tea

Event concludes

Timings are indicative and subject to change