AFTA Education and Training (AFTA E&T) is an education arm of the Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA), a leading industry association of the Australian travel sector. AFTA E&T is managed by Australian Travel Education Pty Ltd under a long-term outsourcing agreement since April 2003.Under this agreement, AFTA E&T is providing the following services:
- Develop and distribute training modules, provide advice on trainable instruments.
- Develop and manage the AFTA Training Provider Accreditation membership.
- Provide educational advice to AFTA and its members (At AFTA’s request)
- Represent AFTA on Skills Council (At AFTA’s request)
As part of a mandatory requirement in vocational education framework, AFTA E&T is guided by the industry advisory body, the Australian Travel Careers Council (ATCC) which is formed by a team of travel & tourism industry leaders and academics.
Learners, Registered Training Organizations (RTO), and ATAS members are invited to tap into the vocational education knowledge (specifically for the travel sector) of AFTA E&T by contacting admin@afta.edu.au for advice. We can also guide you on how to proceed with recruiting apprentices/trainees and Employer wage subsidy matters.
All these services are complimentary to AFTA/ATAS members.
The days of benchmarking knowledge by full qualifications are numbered. Notwithstanding this has been evolving towards that direction of “stacking skills” for some time, Covid disruption has injected a sense of urgency that this is the future of training. Delivery of service has always been determined by multi-dimensional disciplinaries. This is more pronounced by the level of improvision we have had to endure throughout the pandemic because we knew then that consumers would still be expecting the same or better level of service prior to Covid when the world is back on track. Therefore, the earlier we embrace that skills are living creatures, and be prepared to be flexible, adapt and align as appropriate, and design training based upon that logic, the better it will be for our future workforce–particularly our new breeds. Technology also has a great part to play–so does Talent. From all the indications, collaborative knowledge will play a critical path to success. At AFTA E&T, we understand this need and recognize that consumer demands and other global challenges are constantly changing our workforce development priorities going forward.