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ATIA welcomes Federal Government’s decision to guarantee Rex bookings and urges further support for travel advisors

This is a crucial first step; however, this assistance must extend to the wider travel ecosystem, which is significantly impacted by Rex’s situation.

Currently, travel businesses are carrying an exposure of $11.5 million due to Rex’s administration. These advisors and agencies have been at the forefront, working tirelessly to assist affected customers and deal with traveller uncertainty while absorbing the financial strain caused by the airline’s operational challenges.

Quotes attributable to ATIA CEO Dean Long (available for interview):

“While the guarantee for Rex bookings is a vital measure, it is equally important to recognise the burden being shouldered by travel advisors across Australia. These professionals have not only faced substantial financial exposure but have also taken on an increased workload, ensuring that travelling Australians receive the support they need during this difficult time.”

“We call on the Federal Government to provide financial assistance to travel advisors and businesses who are also caught up in the Rex situation and who play such a vital role in supporting Australian travellers, corporate and leisure. Extending this support is not just about fairness; it’s about maintaining the resilience and integrity of Australia’s travel sector. We look forward to further discussions with the Government to secure this necessary support.”

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