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Stand Out, Become ATAS Accredited Today!


To apply for ATAS accreditation, an online application must be completed. The online application process has been designed to take you step-by-step through the criteria and make it as easy as possible for you!

To ensure the integrity of the ATAS accreditation scheme, participants are vetted against 8 criteria.

To become accredited you must:

  • Be a Travel Intermediary
  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and Charter
  • Sign a declaration (Deed Poll) to confirm that your corporate policies, procedures & any consumer marketing activity will comply with the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).
  • Be a 'Fit and Proper Entity', be a registered Australian Business Number (ABN) holder, comply with relevant sections of the ASIC administered Corporations Act 2001 as required and provide certified financial accounts to prove solvency.
  • Provide evidence of adequate Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance.
  • Demonstrate adequate level of staff education and training.
  • Provide evidence of an adequate complaint handling policy and procedures.
  • If you are a start-up business you will need to be aware of additional criteria 9 required

To access the online application you will need to register for a log in  - CLICK HERE TO APPLY

Download the ATAS Application Checklist here.

A fee of $275 incl. gst applies to all new applications submitted and payment is required prior to the application being assessed. This fee is in addition to the membership fees due upon approval of the application. Payment of the fee does not automatically guarantee the application being approved and is non-refundable in the instance that the application is declined.

ATAS Scheme Criteria

01. Company Profile

This section is all about providing us with the details of the company applying for ATAS accreditation.

You will need:

  • Trading Name and company name
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN) if applicable
  • Company address, authorised person contact details, website etc
  • Industry membership (i.e. ATEC, CATO, CLIA, AFTA) and if applicable your IATA number
  • If you are applying for ATAS accreditation on behalf of multiple locations and/or outlets, you will be required to upload the contact and address information for these locations. Please use the template below.

02. Workforce Development

You will be asked how many front line travel selling positions (TSP) hold:

  1. Certificate III in Travel or above OR
  2. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) for a minimum period of (2) years in a front line selling travel position

You will need to provide:

  • Total number of employees
  • Total number of travel selling positions (TSP)
  • Total % of qualified travel selling positions (TSP)

03.Complaint Handling

To meet the criteria you will need to upload a copy of your Complaint Handling Policy and Procedures.

Don't have a current Complaint Handling Policy and Procedures in place?

We have some useful templates below, designed as a guide to assist participants in developing their own Complaint Handling Policy and Procedure, participants should ensure their individual policies are appropriate for their business.

Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures - TEMPLATE

04. Commercial Safeguards

To ensure all ATAS participants protect both themselves and their customers, a minimum standard of business insurance protection is required

You will need to upload a copy of your:

  • Professional Indemnity Policy - Certificate of Currency
  • Public Liability Insurance Policy - Certificate of Currency
  • Other optional insurance (if applicable)

NB: Policy number, expiry day and insurance company name is required.

ATIA has negotiated special insurance packages with Gow-Gates Insurance Brokers, to cover all your insurance needs for both the home and office. If you would like further information, please contact their travel team on (02) 8267 9999 or to discuss your circumstances and obtain a quotation.

05. Business Compliance

You will need to upload a copy of your:

  • Income Statement (Profit & Loss) and Balance Sheet for the most recent financial year OR
  • Audited financial accounts for the most recent financial year
  • Financial year end date
  • Annual gross Total Transaction Value (TTV)
  • Accountant or Financial contact details

06. Code of Conduct

ATAS participants are required to agree to abide by the ATAS Code of Conduct and Charter.

You will need to:

  • Download, read and agree to both documents

07. ATAS Deed Pole

As an ATAS participant you must abide by your undertakings given in the ATAS Deed Poll, which sets out the obligations that you must comply with. You are required to acknowledge that you have read and understood.

Signatories - the Deed Poll needs to be signed by the following -

two (2) directors or
one (1) director plus the company secretary or
companies that have only one (1) officer bearer (sole director), that person is required to sign

Authorised Person - the Deed Poll requires the nomination of an authorised person, within your company, for the purpose of ATAS accreditation.

This person will have the authority to lodge future ATAS applications and be responsible for ensuring the accredited entity remains compliant with the ATAS Code of Conduct and Charter.


08. Participation Payment ATAS Participant Fees

ATAS participation is subject to an annual subscription fee and based on an entity's 'Total Transaction Value' or TTV, as per the category levels indicated below.

View the fees here.

09. Start-up Business

For any start-up businesses wishing to apply for ATAS accreditation, there are a number of additional documents that are required to establish if the applicant is fit and proper and financially solvent.

  • Forecast operational budget (12 month minimum) – outlining cash reserves, borrowing capacity or details of other means available to meet operational expenses and the estimated timing of revenues and expenses.
  • Business Plan – including start-up business information
  • Copy of your Business Name /ABN Registration
  • Copy of your most recent bank account statement for your Client Account

Where the documentation fails to demonstrate the company is solvent you may be asked to provide additional information. We may seek an increase in working capital to ensure funding is available for the first year of trading.

  • A start-up business is defined as a business that is in the first stages of its operation, and has either recently started trading or is about to commence trading.

10. National Police Check

Applicants for ATAS accreditation are required to undergo a National Police check. This assists ATIA to verify that certain information provided by the applicant is correct.

The check may be arranged by the Application independently or ATIA can provide details of an external provider that can undergo the check at a cost of approximately $55 which must be paid for by the applicant, separately from the ATAS Participation Fee.

The background check has been included in the application process to ensure applicants satisfy scheme criteria outlined in the ATAS Charter and to bolster ATAS’ integrity. It will apply to a sole trader, partners in a partnership, those acting as trustees of a trust and all directors of a company.