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ATIA Advocacy - November

It’s the time of year where Government seeks to have its consultation processes underway so it can start the New Year afresh. This generally takes the form of submissions and consultations, and in the last month we have filed three key submissions to ensure member priorities are taken forward, with a few more to go before the end of the year.

Last week we filed our submission on the Aviation Green Paper (consultation paper) released by the Government. This will help inform the Government’s development of the Aviation White Paper, which will set the policy direction for the aviation sector out to 2050.

This was a significant piece of work, containing 23 recommendations. We highlighted the key role the travel distribution system plays, touching on themes such as increasing competition, improving consumer outcomes and disability access, ensuring clarity of responsibility for emissions created through travel, fit-for-purpose agencies and regulations, and ensuring the travel industry has the workforce it needs to support the travelling public. The submission can be accessed here.

We also made a submission to Treasury on Unfair Trading Practices, advocating for a new provision on unfair trading practices would likely capture some of the conduct that has been occurring by airlines that is impacting travel agencies and consumers, but does not fall within the existing consumer law.

The Department of Transport and Infrastructure is exploring possible discussions with Fijian, Indonesian and Malaysian aeronautical authorities in the first half of 2024 about bilateral air service arrangements. We have contributed to that process, providing a submission to ensure Australia’s bilateral air services arrangements continue to serve the future needs of these markets.

In the coming weeks we will also be making a submission to the independent inquiry into the Federal Government’s COVID-19 response, to make recommendations to improve measures in the event of future pandemics. A key focus of our submission will be the substantial issues in Austrade’s handling of the distribution of Consumer Travel Support Grant funds of $270 Million.

We continued to represent members at key Government forums, including the Small Business and Franchising Committee, which is an important forum where competition and consumer law concerns related to the small business and franchising sectors can be discussed by industry and Government. The Tourism Visa Advisory Group also met, enabling engagement between industry, Home Affairs (including Border Force) and Austrade. We also attended the Minister for Trade and Tourism’s Visitor Economy Roundtable on 21 November, at which we provided an industry update and raised key issues before the Minister, Austrade, and key industry stakeholders. Lastly, our views were represented at a Government consultation to encourage more women in vocational education and training.

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